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Spokane, WA

Leak Detection

We'll say it again — we make your leaks extinct!

Leak Detection +Repair Services

Water leaks can be incredibly stressful. In the best case scenario, you know where the leak is. In the worst case, you’re forced to guess at its location based on the visible damage it’s caused. Either way, you’re out money, the property has been damaged and there’s a mess to clean up.

Here at Raptor Rooter & Plumbing, it’s our mission to handle these stressful situations for you by providing the highest quality Spokane professional leak detection around. Whether it’s as simple as a cracked pipe behind a kitchen wall or as complex as a slab leak in the foundation of your home, we have the skills, knowledge, experience and equipment to provide any leak services you could need.

water overflowing from a kitchen pipe leak

Hidden Signs Of A Water Leak 

Unfortunately, water leaks can be tricky to detect. Given that the majority of plumbing exists out of our line of sight, many water leaks are detected from the damage they cause rather than the leak itself. This makes it important to be aware of the major signs that can indicate a possible water leak. Read on to learn more, or reach out to our team if you suspect a leak in your home.

High Utility Bills

Unfortunately, we have to pay for all the water that flows through our home’s plumbing system, even when it fails to reach its intended destination. If you notice an unusual rise in your home’s water bill, it could be a sign of a hidden leak that’s slowly working towards damaging your house and draining your wallet.

Unexplained Moisture Or Dampness

Since most of the water pipes in our homes exist underground and in the walls, any unexplained moisture or dampness can indicate damaged pipes. Be aware of bowed walls, standing water or stained ceilings. These are all signs that your system’s water is escaping the bounds of its pipes.

Low Water Pressure

Your home’s water system depends on a closed system to pressure all your faucets adequately. Low water pressure can be a potential indicator of hidden leaks. When pipe damage occurs, water pressure that should be preserved for your shower or appliances is continually lost through the failure point.

Sounds Of Running Water

You should only hear running water in your home when a faucet is on or an appliance is running. In any other case, unexplained running water sounds should be addressed immediately and not ignored. If the leak is loud enough to hear it, chances are, it’s pretty significant.

Cracks In The Foundation Or Walls

Water erosion is one of the most destructive forces of nature. If given enough time, a single drop of water can wear channels through solid rock. After all, running water is responsible for forming the Grand Canyon. It’s clear to see that water is capable of causing erosion to the foundation of your home.

If you notice any new cracks in your foundation or walls, it’s essential to have it inspected as it can be a sign that a hidden water leak is working to cause its own Grand Canyon in your home’s foundation.

Plumbing With Passion & Care, Choose Raptor Rooter For Water Leak Repair

If you feel you might be dealing with any hidden signs of a water leak, don’t hesitate to contact the Raptor Rooter & Plumbing professionals today. Our team is committed to providing the most comprehensive work possible, and we’ll go above and beyond to serve you with top-quality leak detection.

Our team is equipped with every relevant skill and strives to learn every new development in the industry. We’re confident that with the skills, methods and equipment at our disposal. We can not only detect any water leak you may have, but we can also provide the repairs that’ll save your home plumbing from extinction.

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